I just love our street. There is always something interesting going on.
Today, as I was writing a story, I looked out the window to see massive palm fronds dropping from the coconut trees a mere three or so metres from our living room window.
I peeked outside to see a very agile man heading for the top top of the tree wielding a machete-style knife and hacking at the fronds as he went.
I grabbed the camera and took a few snaps of the ensuing action.
And watched as the massive fronds and many coconuts fell to the ground below.
Just another slice of daily life here in 20 Street. And more than a dozen coconuts yielded.
Angelique Jurd says
Great site – and great story. Wow. Love, love, lovin’ the photos too. New fan here 🙂
Sam Walker says
Hi Angelique. Thanks for your kind words. And thanks for stopping by. Glad you like our site.
Karen says
Great photos. Such a different life than me living in North Dakota, USA. No palm trees in sight.
Sam Walker says
Thanks for stopping by Karen. It still amazes me that I can look out our living room window and see a man with a very sharp device shimmying up a coconut tree.
Christine | Vermilion Roots says
I miss drinking fresh coconut water out of the shell. Simple pleasures that I used to take for granted.
Sam Walker says
I must be one of the odd ones. I just don’t really like coconut water. It looks very exotic but the taste doesn’t equate to the experience for me. I don’t believe the Joker has tried it at all so we will have to rectify that. He has come up with an alcoholic creation you will probably hear more about soon…
Brianna says
Great pictures and stories!:)
Sam Walker says
Thanks Brianna. I’m glad you enjoyed them.