Day Two. And it turns out there is a God.
Started at 7.30am. Up and showered and we were ready for a small day ahead. Had brekky and took a quick walk 40 metres down the dirt road to find Nirvana in a supermarket — bottles of Jim Beam $9.50, Jack Daniels $20, Gentleman Jack’s f0r $25. I am thinking God was teasing me yesterday then saw the error of his ways and rewarded me with this. Thanks big fella.
Had a walk down to the central city area to check out the shopping. Enough here to keep Sam cooking and cleaning all trip. After lunch had a drink or two with the Journo and pommy tourist, Mick, then off for a swim across the road. It cost $4 with a cocktail – a bargain in this heat.
Nice and relaxed and heading off to Road 60 for the Cambodian New Year festival. A vast array of open air cooking of anything that moves, but I’m not game to try it after our trip to Thailand several years ago, which resulted in pooin’ and spewin’ for a couple of days.
Traffic everywhere at the New Year celebrations – glad I didn’t drive.
Didn’t see any grog at the festival so I’m starting to dehydrate a little. Back to Two Dragons for an intake of liquid and to settle down for the night.
Happy New Year Cambodia. I’m so pleased to know there is a God.
The Joker
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