Oh wow, we are really humbled to have been nominated for another two awards. These two are also both to encourage new bloggers and we love that we have been given this recognition.
The first one is the Brotherhood of the World Bloggers award and we were nominated by the wonderful Fabiola at My Heart of Mexico. Thanks so much Fabiola.
The second one is the Liebster Award and we were nominated by the lovely Ashley at The Traveling Gals.
Thank you both for recognising us and giving us the nomination.
Taking part in these awards will give you a little more insight into who we are.
The rules for both awards:
1. Thank the bloggers who nominated you and link back to them.
2. List the rules and display the badges on your blog.
3. Answer the questions.
4. Nominate other bloggers and notify them.
5. Come up with questions for them to answer.
6. The Liebster Award requires to also post 10 facts about us.
So here goes, the Brotherhood of the World Bloggers award.
Why did you start your blog?
The Journo is a story-teller. She loves to share our experiences and the places we visit and she loves to tell the stories of people we meet. This blog is an avenue to do that.
How do you find inspiration for your posts?
Living in Cambodia we are surrounded by inspiration. There are just so many stories to tell and not enough time!
What do you like most about blogging?
As in question one, the Journo loves to tell stories. And that is the best part about blogginh. The Joker is along for the ride and doesn’t like the rigidity of blogging or the Journo’s editing.
What is your biggest challenge as a blogger?
Time. There just isn’t enough of it.
What motivates you to keep blogging?
We have so much to share.
What do you do in your free time?
Hmmm, free time? Well, the Joker is partial to hanging out at Two Dragons and having a beer or three. The Journo loves to read, take photos and hang out with friends and sip the occasional glass of wine or a cocktail.
Who is the most important person in your life?
Each other.
What would the perfect day be like for you?
Is there such a thing?
For the Journo it would involve, a hot sunny day, clear blue water, some snorkelling, some cheese and wine or a cocktail, an awesome sunset and sharing it all with the Joker and great friends.
For the Joker it would be blue skies, smooth seas and big fish. Preferably a marlin. And then sitting down with a beer at a campfire, with a camp oven roast and friends.
What is number one on your bucket list?
The Journo’s number one is to see the mountain gorillas in Rwanda or Uganda.
The Joker’s number one is to go fishing in the remote Pilbara and Kimberley region of Western Australia (and catch big fish).
What is a motto or quote you live by?
“Do what you feel in your heart to be right, for you’ll be criticised anyway.” Eleanor Roosevelt
What will you do when your blog makes it big?
Celebrate and keep blogging.
For this award I nominate:
Fairlie, Feet on Foreign Lands
Marsha, Marsha’s Baking Addiction
Head down to the bottom for your questions.
Now for the Liebster Award
The Liebster Award is an online award given by bloggers to new bloggers to recognise their blogging efforts and to help discover new talents and promote them. Those who have been nominated and choose to accept the award should follow a set of rules, as mentioned above.
First, some fun facts:
1. The Joker is one of eight children – and they all have his sharp wit. I don’t know how his mother coped.
2. We have been together for 21 years! (the Journo needs a medal).
3. We met when we worked at a fruit packing shed in country Victoria, in Australia.
3. The Joker’s big passion in life is fishing (okay that’s probably not a secret by this stage).
4. It took 10 years for the Journo to get the Joker to leave Australia – and then it was to New Zealand! How things have changed. This Cambodian adventure was his idea.
5. The Journo loves to watch a good chick flick.
6. The Joker’s favourite movie is Shawshank redemption
7. The Journo can’t sing to save her life (“And don’t I know it?” – the Joker)
8. The Joker won’t dance – unless he’s been drinking (perhaps heavily)
9. The Joker’s all-time favourite dessert is lemon meringue pie and his second favourite is seconds. You will win your way to his heart by presenting him with one of these.
10. The Journo was born in Perth and her first address (the one on the birth certificate) was The Lodge, Government House. Doesn’t that sound posh?
Now for the questions.
Where do you live and where is your favourite place to go there?
At the moment we live in Siem Reap, Cambodia. It’s fair to say our favourite hangout is at Two Dragons, probably because it is so close and perhaps just a wee bit too convenient. But it also has awesome food and we love the staff. We also love to cool off at the fabulous River Garden. Aside from that there are too many places to try and not enough time to get to them all so we visit new venues all the time.
Do you prefer the city or countryside?
Truthfully, the Journo likes a bit of both. The Joker probably prefers the country – or anywhere there is fishing.
What is your favourite thing about blogging?
Telling stories and sharing them with readers.
How do yo promote your blog posts?
At the moment largely through Facebook and various forums we are with. We love it when our readers share our posts.
If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
Oh my goodness – that is too hard for the Journo, who could live just about anywhere and would love it.
For the Joker it would be northern Australia where the fishing is good.
List three words to describe yourself
The Journo: Creative, short-tempered, compassionate
The Joker: Effing totally handsome. Okay, seriously: easygoing, generous, humerous
What are your favourite hobbies?
The Joker – fishing, boating and camping
The Journo – reading, camping, snorkelling
Where do you do most of your blogging?
At the desk in our living room.
Name your favourite celebrity (dead or alive).
We don’t really get into the celebrity thing. Can’t say anyone jumps out.
For this award we nominate:
Kira, Eco Green People
Holly, Four Around the World
Natalie, Obsessive Cooking Disorder
Hit us up with any more questions. Thanks again to Ashley and Fabiola for nominating us.
Questions for both awards:
1. Why did you start your blog?
2. How did you come up with your blog name?
3. What is the number one place on your bucket list?
4. Where do you live and what is your favourite hang-out in your hometown?
5. What are your hobbies?
6. List three words to describe yourself
7. What is a motto or quote you live by?
8. Share an experience that has exceeded your expectations
9. How do you chill out and relax?
10. What is a lesson you have learnt from life?
Fabiola says
I love it how you both shared your responses! 🙂 Congratulations!!
Sam Walker says
Yes, well it seemed only fair, since it is about both of us. Getting responses from the Joker was a bit like pulling teeth but we got there in the end 🙂
Ashley says
Loved reading your responses!
Sam Walker says
Thanks Ashley. It took us a while but we finally got there.